Today was pretty much the same. Breakfast was bread, tea, coffee, jam, scrambled eggs and juice. I thought she said ‘tomato’ juice, but it was not the type of tomato I know. When I asked the girls at work they said it was tomato for juice, not for eating. It’s a tree tomato.
I scanned in another year and a half of documents today. Boring and tiring, but something I can do that is helpfulI enjoy the Ecuadorians that I am working with. I took some M&M’s for break today, and the all came back to work with some in a napkin. Tomorrow I am taking peanut butter because they either don’t understand what it is or don’t have it here. Might taste good on the bread they eat for break.
We ate lunch at the hospital again. Rice, chicken, cucumber sliced, carrots sort of shredded. tangerine, an unknown juice drink and soup. $1.80 for all of that. Tomorrow, I think we will get one plate. I’ll eat the soup and Larry the other stuff. I usually have a bread break, so am not needing so much, but I do like the soup.
For supper tonight we stopped at a bakery and bought a meat pastry apiece and a Coke to share. The pastry was very good $1.80 for the pastry and 80cents for the 1/2 liter of Coke.
Larry is getting a lot done. They hope to pack next week sometime. It looks like rain this weekend.
You should eat alpaca:) It sounds like Peru from the meals.
I don’t know if they have alpaca. The locals told me baked pig was a local food and potato soup with cheese.